These articles from our Applications Notebook contain 200+ case studies of how RTP Company specialty compounds have been used to solve real world application problems. Discover the performance, design, and molding considerations that led to specifying a material from our wide selection of value-added thermoplastic compounds.
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Superior Conduct
After 20 years, a company finds a high quality, reliable source for conductive plastic.
TPE Product Innovations
Engineers in RTP Company’s TPE Division have formulated several new materials that will expand the use of soft-touch polymers in overmolded and conductive applications.
Antistatic Storage Containers
Shippers rely on L&A Plastic Molding’s line of Stat-Cons™ containers to provide electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection when transferring sensitive components from electronics parts to automotive airbag detonators and high explosives.
ESD Storage Box
Classic Line, a division of Northwest Molded Products in Racine, Wis., expanded its line to include ESD protective storage/transport containers ranging in size from 1 5/8 by 2 1/8 inches to 5 by 7 inches.