These articles from our Applications Notebook contain 200+ case studies of how RTP Company specialty compounds have been used to solve real world application problems. Discover the performance, design, and molding considerations that led to specifying a material from our wide selection of value-added thermoplastic compounds.
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Duct Assembly, Coil Spring & Cable Guard
Recent advances in tooling and equipment have made it possible to extrude high performance engineering thermoplastic compounds and alloys with precision approaching that of injection molding.
Proximity Probe Housing
Offshore oil platforms, power generation stations and petrochemical refineries all share a condition of harsh environment for equipment essential to their business.
Wafer Transport Trays
A new family of Static Dissipative Compounds improves reliability and saves time in manufacturing chip trays, packaging products, and consumer goods.
Cleanroom Scanner Housing
ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) is the sudden transfer or discharge of electricity from one object to another. In cleanrooms or on factory floors, ESD poses a threat to product quality and may cause damage during any phase of manufacturing.