RTP 2500 Series Compounds
This data provides comparative information on the shielding performance of standard RTP Company PC/ABS alloy compounds using various combinations of additives and loading levels.
Instead of off-the-shelf solutions, RTP Company routinely develops specialty compounds with a precise combination of properties such as conductivity, flame retardance, structural reinforcement, color, and wear resistance to meet your exact application requirements.
RTP 2500 Series
Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy Compounds
PC/ABS alloys process with the ease of ABS (RTP 600 Series) materials yet have a toughness similar to polycarbonate (RTP 300 Series) materials. The high heat distortion of the alloy is an improvement over ABS, while the low temperature impact resistance gives it an advantage over polycarbonate.
By reinforcing the alloy with glass fiber, nickel-coated carbon fiber and/or stainless steel, RTP Company can produce compounds that meet the structural, static dissipative and EMI/RFI shielding requirements of the computer and business machine markets.
RTP Company’s EMI 2580 FR Series PC/ABS compounds incorporate nickel-coated carbon fiber and flame retardant additives. These compounds are UL recognized with a ratings of V-0 @ 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) and 5VA @ 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).